How To Monetize A Crypto Blog

by | Mar 13, 2023 | Monetization

Have a blog but don’t know how to monetize it? Don’t worry. There are many different ways to monetize a crypto Blog.

In this article, you will learn how to monetize a crypto blog.

My experience of blogging was very challenging. I started my blog with a mission to provide the best information on the crypto industry.

It was a great success. I wrote about cryptocurrency, no matter how hard I tried at first, I didn’t see much improvement.

Every now and then it seemed like I was going to quit.

All that matters is that the material is shared and that the readership is built up through blogs. From there, you can make money in a variety of ways.
In general, a blog’s economic potential is limited by two factors: the ability to generate traffic and the ability to generate revenue through advertising.

Monetize A Crypto Blog

When it comes to make profits from a crypto blog, there are several ways you can monetize your crypto blog.

It’s important to note that the below mentioned options may vary depending on the legal context of your country or region, and you should always consult with a legal professional before implementing any monetization strategy.

Affiliate marketing:

Affiliate marketing is a performance-based marketing strategy where you earn a commission for promoting someone else’s products or services. You can join an affiliate program of a crypto exchange or wallet and promote their products or services on your blog. For example, if you write a blog post about the benefits of using a particular crypto exchange, you can include an affiliate link that directs readers to sign up for that exchange. If someone signs up through your affiliate link, you earn a commission. The commission rates vary depending on the affiliate program, but they can range from 10% to 50% of the user’s transaction fees.

Display advertising:

Display advertising involves placing ads on your blog using ad networks like Google AdSense or Coinzilla. These networks pay you based on the number of clicks or impressions your ads receive. To start display advertising, you need to sign up with an ad network and place their ads on your blog. You earn money based on the number of clicks or impressions your ads receive. However, the revenue from display advertising can vary widely, depending on the niche, the type of ads, and the ad network.

The specific niche you choose and the amount of time and effort you put into it. Even if the readership of a small blog is low, advertising in highly lucrative fields like trade or languages or a strong reputation among their readers can lead to huge bills.

Sponsored content:

Sponsored content is a form of advertising where you write content for a brand and publish it on your blog. The brand pays you for publishing their content on your blog. To start with sponsored content, you need to identify potential sponsors that align with your blog’s niche and audience. You can either approach them directly or sign up with a sponsored content marketplace like Pay-Per-Post or IZEA. When you publish sponsored content, it’s important to disclose that the content is sponsored to maintain transparency with your readers.

Paid subscriptions:

Paid subscriptions involve offering premium content, such as exclusive news, analysis, or research, and charging users a monthly or yearly subscription fee. To get started with paid subscriptions, you need to create high-quality, valuable content that readers are willing to pay for. You can offer subscriptions through a platform like Patreon or set up a paywall on your blog using a plugin like MemberPress. It’s important to regularly update your premium content to retain subscribers and attract new ones.


Donations involve setting up a cryptocurrency wallet address and asking readers to donate to support your blog. To get started with donations, you need to create a wallet address for a cryptocurrency like Bitcoin or Ethereum. You can then display your wallet address on your blog and encourage readers to donate. However, donations can be unpredictable and depend on the generosity of your readers.

E-books and courses:

E-books and courses involve creating educational content about cryptocurrency or blockchain-related topics and selling them on your blog. To get started with e-books and courses, you need to identify topics that your audience is interested in and create high-quality, valuable content. You can then sell your e-books or courses through platforms like Amazon or Udemy, or directly on your blog. It’s important to market your e-books and courses effectively to reach your target audience and generate sales.


Consultancy involves offering services for people interested in cryptocurrency, blockchain technology, or related topics. To get started with consultancy, you need to have expertise in a particular area and market your services effectively. You can offer consultancy services through your blog, social media, or platforms like Fiverr or Upwork. However, consultancy can be time-consuming and require a significant amount of effort to generate revenue.

For example, how much time and effort are you willing to put into the project?

You’ll need to put in a lot of time, especially in the beginning, if you seriously want to monetize your crypto blog. Keep your blog up to date even if you don’t have a lot of time to devote to it.

It’s a good idea to start a Crypto blog for the following reasons:

  1. The use of crypto blogs is one of the most common ways of disseminating blockchain information and news. More than a million cryptocurrencies blogs now exist.
  2. Cryptocurrency experts can use this to express themselves and spread knowledge, as well as to build a following.
  3. Crypto blogging is all about disseminating your knowledge of blockchain technology.
  4. If you choose a topic that interests you, starting a successful blog is a lot easier.
  5. If you’re passionate about what you’re writing about, you can write about anything, which will keep your readers interested.
  6. Almost all crypto bloggers write in a casual and conversational tone because they want their readers to keep up with the latest trends, find interesting nuggets, and so forth.
  7. Furthermore, to have a successful website, you do not have to be an industry expert.

What more benefits may blogging provide?

You can make money from the comfort of your own home.

Blogging can be profitable if done right.

It is true that the most successful bloggers make millions of dollars, but even a part-time blogger may make good money if they use the right method.

Blogging is a great way to earn money while you sleep, as you only have to put in a few hours a week to keep up your site and enjoy the rewards for years to come.

I have written a detailed information on how to start a successful blog.

Publish your success stories and struggle.

When you start a blog, you give yourself a voice.

You are free to share your story with the world if you so desire.

As a blogger, you’re likely to use your blog as a journal to keep track of your daily life and share it with friends, family, and anybody else who wants to be part of it.


Because of a recent blog article you authored, photographers won’t be following you around.

On the other hand, a well-maintained blog can assist you in realizing your goal and establishing your reputation as an expert in your field.

In the wake of their blogs, a number of bloggers have been called experts in their fields and have received book and film offers.

Create a community

Blogging is a two-way communication at its core. Your blog posts get a response from readers.

It’s a great way to meet new people and get to know others who have similar interests as yours.

Sharing your knowledge and learning from your followers at the same time is a great benefit of running a cryptocurrency blog.

What do you need to start a Crypto blog?

Simple! Start with a domain name and web hosting from a reputable company like, you can successfully start a crypto blog. which covers 3 years of web hosting with free domain name for a year.


One of the platforms described above is all that is needed to start making monetize / money with a crypto blog. In future posts, you’ll learn more about monetizing your cryptocurrency blog.

Learn: How To make money with a crypto blog

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